Places I’ve Been #52Lists2015

52 Lists 2015, loving life one list at a time | Sarah Celebrates

Hello there =)

While I do enjoy a good stay-cation, I have been known to go on an adventure or two.  I have been fortunate to have my mother fund a few and boyfriend pick up the tab on a couple.  I am loved =)

Places I’ve Been

Post#52Lists2015 List 19

Places I Have Been, List 19 #52List2015 | Sarah Celebrates

Disney (in Florida)

My very first vacation (excluding family camping trips) was my birthday trip to Disney when I was 11.  My first plane ride, my first stay in a hotel; it was an 11 year olds dream! Oh, and there was Disney too ;)

Carnival Cruise

Bless my mom for saving up and taking me on a Carnival cruise spring of 2004.  We stopped in San Juan, St Thomas and St Maarten.  Our time in San Juan was short, but full days at the other two stops was wonderful.  Megan’s Bay in St Thomas = BEAUTIFUL!  St. Maarten supplied us with VERY inexpensive alcohol to bring home.

Pittsburgh PA

My boy and I took a mini vacation to Pittsburgh one summer.  Science Center one day, zoo/aquarium the next and finished it off with first ever trip to IKEA.

Places-I-Have-Been-List-19-52List2015-Trip-To-Pittsburgh | Sarah Celebrates

Fort Erie Canada

I have an aunt and uncle who live in Canada that I used to see more at their home when I was younger.  I usually wait for holidays in the States now.  Living 25 minutes from our northern neighbor makes international travel an everyday opportunity if I wanted.

Toronto Canada

Another mini va-cay for the boy and I .  Guess where? Science center and zoo!  We kinda have a theme.  No IKEA trip though…

Playa del Carmen (twice)

Playa del Carmen is in Mexico, south of Cancun and across from Cozumel.  If you’re looking for the tropical, beachy spring break location without all the spring break shenanigans, this is your destination!  WARNING!  The ferry ride to Cozumel is bumpy.  If you get sea-sick, medicate for you make that voyage.

Cleveland OH

OK, this one is a cop out.  I WAS there but for less than 48 hours to attend a wedding.

Dallas TX (thrice)

Three Celebrating Home conferences (at the same hotel) brought me to Texas.  I was at home in the hotel by the 3rd visit and always left with a southern drawl.


A college friend wanted me to visit him in NYC and another friend wanted company when she went for a dance audition in The Big Apple.  Two perfect reasons to go!  A nice 4 day weekend, being left to my own devices in Manhattan and price shock from $14 cocktails have reassured me that it’s a nice place to visit but I wouldn’t want to live there.

Another mini vacation is in the works for this summer for my boyfriend and I.  Can you guess what we’ll be visiting?

Be sure to check out The List of Lists, updated weekly, to keep up on my #52Lists2015 and find some ideas for your own list series!

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  1. I’m so envious, haha. I’m scared to fly or go on a cruise. I know, it’s terrible. You’ve been some really great places though!

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