You Are Never Alone

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone. #MondayMotivation

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

Audrey Hepburn

For beautiful eyes…

In a cynical world this can be hard.  It’s in that moment you need to put on your rose-colored glasses and see the glass as half full.

I recently told someone that we don’t have to like everything people do nor be friends with all of them.  That IS okay.  We should however find the good in them.  See what they do contribute to the whole.  Find their strengths and help them refine them.

[Tweet “I’ve got my rose-colored glasses and my glass is half full #MondayMotivation”]

For beautiful lips…

Words can’t be un-said.  They leave a lasting impression and can sting far longer than any physical wound.  Choose them wisely.

An unexpected kind word can do wonders too!  Say hello and smile at a stranger today.  Tell someone to have a nice day.

For poise…

Poise is defined as graceful and elegant bearing in a person or balance, equilibrium.

Find balance and grace in your day to day life knowing that you are not by yourself in life’s struggles.  Help and support are out there.

I came across a story on Facebook the other day about a bullying situation that a woman’s daughter was involved in with a new girl at school (army kid).  Not the name calling, physical abuse bullying but the silent treatment, ignoring kind.  Just as painful.

Long story short, the mother told her daughter she HAD to talk to this girl and report back 5 new, interesting things she learned about the girl each day.  Over time they because the best of friends and when the new girl inevitably moved, they stayed in touch.

This would have been a good quote for that situation.

Look for the good, let only kind words pass through your lips & walk with confidence that you are not alone.

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