Creating An Inspiration Deck To Keep You Smiling

This year, instead of choosing one word to focus my energy on, I will be selecting a new word, phrase or quote each week.  I want a year full of inspirational and motivating words.  Perhaps a whole deck full… I shall call it my Inspiration Deck!

Creating an Inspiration Deck #artisttradingcard #alteredplayingcard

We pick up a lot of crap in our lives: work shifts, other people’s drama, kids toys and sometimes even literal crap.  We need to find time to unwind and remind ourselves to relax, how to have fun or smile.

Wouldn’t it be handy to have mini, motivational cards we can tuck in our planner, wallet or pocket? Something we can have on us when we need a pick me up? Oh wait! We know how to make artist trading cards! We CAN do that =)

The Plan

Create one card a week; more if ambitious.

The creative process will be my time to relax and release tension.  The verbiage on my card will be something I can reflect on or use as a mantra for the week.

I recommend creating a card for what your soul needs at that time.  Need a some ideas?  So busy you can’t catch your breath? Breath.  Not getting out as much? Walk or explore.

The Inspiration for The Inspiration Deck

I wish I could say I came up with the idea for my inspiration deck on my own.  But alas, I cannot.  I wouldn’t be here creatively if  I didn’t have loads of creatives inspiring me daily.  These wonderful artists help get ideas moving in my direction.

I’d love to have you follow along each week with my deck, but if you need more ideas for your creative adventures, check out where I got started!

  • Choice cards – Pretty paintings and doodles with positive actions you choose to do. Life is full of choices.
  • Inspiration deck – By far the closest to what I have begun creating.  Powerful words and messages combined with pretty, relaxing art.
  • Power up cards – Jennie challenges her readers to create these cards to motivate themselves to keep going.

Are you ready to start making your own inspiration deck?

The Supplies

You really don’t need much to get started…

  • A deck of cards
  • Art/craft supplies
  • A need/want to smile or be motivated throughout the year
  • Ring (optional)

See? Not much at all.  Don’t think you have enough in your craft room to get you going?  You’ll be able to shop some of the supplies I used for my first two cards at the bottom of this post. =)

The Deck So Far…

Seeing as how we’re in the third week of January, I’m a little behind.  I’ll be sharing my latest card in the deck on Instagram each Friday, but I thought I’d showcase my first two cards in this post.

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Be open to whatever comes next - #inspirationdeck week 1 - #artisttradingcard #alteredplayingcard

be open to whatever comes next

This card came together quickly; lots of smearing and scraping of supplies.  I used a few layers of paint when making this card: gesso, smeared gelato, black & lime green paint and texture paste.

The eye is a piece of washi tape from the Jane Davenport line.  You can find it at Michael’s =)

Remember to Play - #inspirationdeck week 2 - #artisttradingcard #alteredplayingcard

remember to play

I’m in a time of change and transition right now. I have to remember to have “me” time, to remember to play.  These cards will definitely help in that exercise.

Pops of pink and pretty flowers play into the whimsy of… well… play!  And I’m slightly obsessed with adding gold mica flakes to everything these days.

Will you be making your own Inspiration Deck this year? I’d love to see it!

Be sure to follow me (or the hashtag #inspirationdeck) on Instagram to see each weeks new addition. Happy creating!

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