Getting Started With IFTTT

Let the internet work for you!

Come see how can simplify your life.


What are you doing in your life (personal or business) online or with technology everyday, manually?  Go ahead.  Make a list.

  • Check the weather on your phone.
  • Turn your phone volume off when you get to work.
  • Like pictures on Instagram.
  • Copy said pictures to your phone to keep.
  • Move those pictures to your computer or cloud storage.

Long list isn’t it?  And that’s just a small portion I imagine.  No worries!  There may be a Recipe for that!

Let me introduce you to IFTTT.

IFTTT, reader.  Reader, IFTTT. is a website that provides a free service (premium accounts are coming) allowing you to connect many areas of your technological life and have them work together so you can do less.  It follows the statement If This Then That (IFTTT).  If one event happens then IFTTT knows to do the next task.

I’m going to give you an overview and get you set up this week.  In the week’s to come, I’ll be sharing my favorite Recipes to make life easier, both personal and blogging.

Getting Started With IFTTT

First things first, you must create an account.  Choose a username, add your preferred email address, password protect that and connect to a social media profile.  The account you choose to connect will use that accounts info for your IFTTT profile.  I connected with Twitter.

IFTTT - Profile

All set?  Next, we’re going to set up our Channels.


Channels are your accounts, social media and various technologies, that you want to talk to each other to simplify your life.  IFTTT supports 146 Channels right now.

Some examples are:

  • Your Top Social Media Platforms: Facebook (including Groups and Pages), Twitter, Instagram, You Tube & Reddit
  • Your Smart Phone: Android and iOS systems
  • Blogging Platforms: WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr
  • Smart Home Items: This includes your Wink and WeMo devices

IFTTT - Channels

Go ahead and set up some Channels. I recommend at least connecting your phone. Hint, hint.

On to the fun part!  Recipes!  The best thing to do when getting started is to browse Recipes that others have created and shared.  Get some ideas.  Favorite a couple that look useful.  Try some out or make a few.

Make an IFTTT Recipe in 7 steps

IFTTT - layout

  1. Choose Your Trigger Channel – This is where it starts.  Either you do something or you’re asking IFTTT to look for something to happen.
  2. Choose Your Trigger Action – What will be happening on this Channel that tells IFTTT what to do?
  3. Complete Trigger Fields – Here you’ll add a username, a hashtag, etc. This will be different depending on each Channel and the Trigger Action you choose.
  4. Choose an Action Channel – Where do you want the end result to be?
  5. Choose an Action – What will happen on the Action Channel?
  6. Complete Action Fields – Add a caption, URL, etc.  Here is where you’ll find the ingredients.  When you click in a field a scientist flask will appear.  Click it to see your available ingredients.
  7. Create & Activate – You’ll see your Recipe and a brief description.  You also have the option to receive a notification each time your Recipe runs.  I do not keep that on; my recipes run too much.

How do you feel about IFTTT?  Need a practical examples to sell you on it?  Ok, I’ll oblige.

Have you ever lost your phone, tried to call it and then realize the ringer is on silent?  Bummer right?  Don’t worry.  There’s a Recipe for that!

IFTTT Recipe: Turn Phone Volume to 100% with Email connects email to android-device

This Recipe will turn your phones volume to 100% with an email to from your connected email account.  Yes, you will have to email from a computer or non-missing mobile device.  Hey, not my fault you lost your smart phone on silent ;)

Keeping it minimal today.  Don’t want to overwhelm you.  You’ll go play and do it to yourself ;)  Stay tuned for more Recipes and how I’m using IFTTT in my life.

** This post DOES NOT contain affiliate links.  I just really like this service.**

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    thanking you

    Akshay Naik

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