Do More Of What Makes You Awesome

Do more of what makes you awesome #MondayMotivation

Do more of what makes you awesome!

So, you’re awesome.  We already knew that.  But wouldn’t it be great to be MORE awesome?

Let’s do that!

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Don’t be mad at me… I’m going to let your secret out of the bag of what makes you so awesome… Ready?


Yup, that’s it.  Happiness.  Simply being happy makes you more awesome.  How can you not be awesome when you’re happy?  

Did that make sense?

How can we be more happy?  Take time to do what you love.  Spend time with friends and family.  Enjoy life.  Notice the small things and be grateful for them.

So do more of what makes you awesome.  Do more of what makes you happy =)

Have you noticed how Monday Motivation tends to have a “take care of yourself, love yourself” theme?  Get your weekly dose of motivation every Monday at 7am EST.

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  1. Just wanted to say that your awesome Sarah.
    Hope you have a great week ahead and that Happiness just surrounds you to the fullest.

      1. That’s sweet of to say.
        I just want to encourage those who want to make other lives better, and I think you do by the way you like to look at life. Be Blessed Sarah.

  2. I love this! I shall try and do more of what makes me awesome tomorrow. Thank you for the inspiration. Pinned for when I need a reminder :)

  3. Love this quote! For me, being happy is really about forgetting about everything else and enjoying the present moment, this is what I am focusing on for this week. : ) Thanks for the inspiration! #candidcuddles

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