Two Uses Tuesday Link Up 16

Two Uses Tuesday | A linkup party to share your crafts, DIYs, recipes & upcycles

Hello there =)

Welcome to week 16 of Two Uses Tuesday!  Last week was our biggest week ever!  Thank you for helping me get there!  Thirty-seven links!  Let’s top it again!


  • Link up 17 (2/3/15) will be a month long link up!  Features will be Most Clicked, Shared the Most and My Favorite. 
  • For the Shared the Most: remember to tag me or use #2usestuesday
  • A Pinterest profile link up goes live Sunday 2/1/15.
  • PLEASE remember to visit a link for each link you submit

I have so much in store for Sarah Celebrates in the coming weeks.  Monday’s Get Your Craft On will be back up and running soon.  Most will be a little Pinspired.  A new 30 Day Challenge will be going live any day now.  Until then, check out what I’ve been up to.

Using Google To Organize Your Blog-Creating Events | Sarah Celebrates   52 Lists 2015 - List 3 - Jobs I Have Had | Sarah Celebrates   100 Happy Days - Week 12 | Sarah Celebrates

Using Google To Organize Your Blog – Creating Events  |  Jobs I Have Had #52Lists2015  |  100 Happy Days Week 12

Now on to more important things… YOU =)

This Week’s Featured Posts!!

Most Loved Link

Jonesin For Taste - IKEA Hack | Sarah Celebrates #2usestuesday feature

Who doesn’t love IKEA?  I know I’d live in one if I was near one.  It’s kinda like a Target but bigger =)  You all must too because this Two Uses Tuesday entry had the most clicks!  Jade from Jonesin For Taste satisfies our love of IKEA and DIY in one fell swoop.  Stop by and see how she made this Entertainment Center.

Follow Jade

Twitter  |  Google +  |  Pinterest  |  Instagram  |  Facebook


Two Uses Tuesday DIY Exclusive

LW Vouge - DIY Lip Scrub | Sarah Celebrates #2usestuesday feature

I am a huge fan of lip scrubs.  Can’t moisturize until you get all the dead stuff off.  I invited Rebekah from LW Vogue after I visited her post at another link up.  I’ so happy she popped by last week.  With just 3 ingredients you can create your own lip scrub.  What a great little Valentines gift… Stop by for the how-to!

Follow Rebekah

Twitter  |  Google +  |  Pinterest  |  Instagram  |  Facebook


Congrats to this week’s featured bloggers!

Thank you for inspiring us to create!  Don’t forget to brag about it =)  Grab a button, tweet it to the world and watch for it on the Two Uses Tuesday FEATURES! board on Pinterest.

[Tweet “I was featured on #2usestuesday @ Sarah Celebrates!”]




This party has grown from just upcycling & repurposing projects to include all things DIY and craftiness.

  • Something you created: recipes, crafts, DIYs or upcycling projects
  • Only link up posts you haven’t submitted previously.

Get inspired, get crafting and link up =)


Link up parties should be just that, a party.  How can you help make it a party?  Don’t link and run!  Meet some of your fellow party goers via social media. Stop by at least 2 other links and comment on their posts.  A tweet, +1 or pin is appreciated every now and then too.  Two Uses Tuesday runs for 4 days… so pop back later and see who else showed up to the party.  You might just find the inspiration you were looking for or perhaps, a new friend =)

Remember – for Sarah Celebrates Features, share & pin from the bloggers original content not from the Two Uses Tuesday post. 


This one’s kind of like Comment & Connect, but with me =)  New to the Two Uses Tuesday Link Up? Let me know how you found it.  Been with me since Week 1? Share how this party has been working for you and what you like about it.  Are you meeting new bloggers?  Finding new inspiration for projects? Thank you for returning by the way.

Google+  |  Twitter  |  Pinterest  | Instagram  |  Bloglovin  |  Facebook  |  TSU

After you link up, grab the party button for your blog’s party page, linked posts or sidebar.

Want a reminder for the party? Subscribe to the Two Uses Tuesday Reminder email.

[madmimi id=127174]

[Tweet “Getting crafty and linking up at #2usestuesday !”]

While you’re linking up here, I’m out partying too!  Come see where I’m linking up.

[inlinkz_linkup id=489412 mode=1]


Disclosures: By linking up to Two Uses Tuesday on you are giving me permission to feature your link on my blog & across social media. This includes images from the linked post as well as linking to your social media accounts.  I respect you and your work; everything will be properly linked back to you and credit given where credit is due.  You earned it!

You will also be added to the Two Uses Tuesday Reminder email list if you have not subscribed to it already.  If you have submitted a link in the past, you are already on the list.

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    1. I heart DIY beauty products! Look at you popping on without a reminder email =) this went live 12 hours too early.

    1. =) total slip up! I got the email that it published and scrambled to update the linkup code so the linkup itself would be live too =)

  1. Thank you so much Sarah for inviting me to your site last week and for featuring my lip scrub. I look forward to seeing everyone’s creations this week!

  2. It’s great that the party continues to grow! Thanks for hosting.

  3. I’m going to have to try that Vanilla and Coconut Lip/Hand scrub. I love DIY sugar and salt scrubs for post-workout because they give me that spa feeling. Now my lips can join the party!

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