Walk Ten Thousand

Walk Ten Thousand

Hello there =) There just a few days left in January’s Well With Water 30 Day Challenge.  The initial goal of  #WellWithWater was to drink a gallon of water a day.  I would float away so my goal was 36-64 oz.  Monday through Friday I did well, weekends… no so much. How did you do?…

Well With Water

Well With Water

Hello there =) I started my Sarah Celebrates 30 Day Challenges to encourage myself (and hopefully others) to tackle some goals we often make for ourselves but give up on. Thirty days is such a short time, surely we can commit to that. Last month we took a minute to enjoy & connect with ourselves…

Small Words Big Change

Small Words Big Change

With the new year approaching (yes New Year, I bypassed, Halloween, Thanksgiving AND Christmas), people will be resolving to get in shape physically and lose those last few pounds.  I am a firm believer that you must be mentally fit, or at least attempting to be, in order to be able to wrap your head around…