Collect Beautiful Moments

Collect Beautiful Moments - Monday Motivation - Sarah Celebrates

Collect Beautiful Moments

I always see such beautiful quotes and images on Pinterest, I thought I’d create (or re-create) some of my own.  I hope you enjoy this new addition to Mondays and it brightens your day =)

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  1. I love collecting all sorts of stuff, but now I’ve got to much stuff I’ve been wondering what is the right collection for the future and the answer is right here ‘beautiful moments’. :)

    1. =) I completely understand! I’m purging and getting rid of things myself. You don’t need stuff, you need memories.

  2. I love this. It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes: Collect moments not things (it’s the whole inspiration to my blog name). Thanks for sharing such poignant words. So happy to have found your post on Totally Terrific Tuesdays.

    1. It is a good one, isn’t Maria? I’m so happy you stopped by! I just went yo your blog and will do some poking around =)

  3. Love the idea of collecting moments. The older my kids get, the more I want to have great moments with them before they leave the home. Especially since my oldest is already graduating from high school.

    1. I’ve been working on collecting moments not things lately. i can imagine watching kids grow up is full of moments =) I’m trying to get back into journaling to be able to save some moments for the future

  4. This is so sweet, and a great reminder that it’s the memories, and not the stuff, that counts the most. Thank you for sharing it at Talented Tuesday!

    1. I’m so in the mode of getting rid of things, with the exception of notebooks and journals. Gotta store those memories somewhere ;)

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