Kindness and Beauty

Practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty - Monday Motivation - Sarah Celebrates

Do you practice random acts of kindness?  Regularly?  Do you know how much performing random acts of can enhance your life?  Ok, I don’t know either, at least nothing concrete… But thing of a time you did one.  Go ahead… Made you feel good right?  Keep it up!  Others will love you for it ;)

[Tweet “You are loved! #RAK #MondayMotivation”]

How about senseless acts of beauty?  What exactly is that anyways?  The word senseless is defined as without discernible meaning or purpose.  So, literally, you should practice creating acts of beauty without meaning or purpose.  Just go make things look pretty.

Arrange some rocks in the shape of a heart.

Write ‘blessed’ in the sand.

Put a flower in someone’s hair.

By combining random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty you’re sure to make someones day.  Maybe even change their life…

[Tweet “Beautify the world around you, it might just be a random act of kindness #MondayMotivation”]

Beat the Monday blues all week long with past Monday Motivation posts!

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  1. I absolutely love this! Pinned and tweeted. Thank you so much for bringing such a masterpiece to our party. I hope to see you tomorrow at 7 pm. We can’t wait to party with you! Lou Lou Girls

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